“The Big Data Era and the Rise of Legal Technology”
Since the second half of the 20th Century, Japan has been achieving an extraordinary growth. With a surface area of only 377, 864 km sq. and a population of about 126, 4 million inhabitants, Japan is the world’s third largest economy in 2017. The population is undoubtedly the foundation of the country’s economic success. Highly skilled and working more than many of their direct competitors, Japanese people are taught at a very early stage that, the job must be done first. The values useful to the society are therein identified as “family, work, country and search for harmony”. The approach is constantly improving such that, Japan seems to have imported and adapted to its lifestyle, the World’s savoir-faire. Tokyo is certainly the only place in the world where, alongside local delicacies like Sashimi, Ramen, Miso soup and Tempura, one can enjoy the refined Marie-Antoinette tea break, like in the gardens of the Palace of Versailles in France or treat oneself with the full-flavoured chocolate creations from over 2,000 Belgian chocolatiers just like in Bruges. Despite the lack of natural resources, Japan has devoted almost a century to developing a culture of excellence. The country’s spectacular economic upswing therefore took place in the high-tech fields. Japan is known to be the World’s Technology leader especially in the energy, electronics, materials, bio-technology and space sectors. Today, the country is proud to be under the spotlight as the global leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI). No doubts the 55th congress of the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) attracted to Tokyo over 500 lawyers from all around the world, to witness the Digital Revolution in legal practice. The impact of AI and innovation on the legal practice is simply huge!
- It was established that lawyer’s work can now be highly computerized. By 2025, the Internet of Everything (IoE) will exceed 100 billion connected devices, each with a dozen or more sensors collecting data. We are heading towards a world of perfect knowledge.
- Presentations clearly demonstrated how AI can be a deciding factor in briefs relating to Insolvency Law, Corporate and M&A, Labour & Immigration Law, Intellectual Property and IT law, as well as in SCILL issues (Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning).
- Workshops were edifying on the positive transformation of the legal profession with the rise of Artificial Intelligence tools.
Today, “Smart data” sounds as the Key word in the legal profession. The Legal Technology era has come to redesign the landscape in the practice of Law.
D.MOUKOURI AND PARTNERS was represented by Danielle MOUKOURI and Aurelien DJENGUE.