+237 233 42 25 44 | 243 08 23 34

357, Rue Toyota, opposite BGFI Bank, Bonapriso, Douala, Cameroon

Your Ambitions, our talents

357, Rue Toyota, opposite BGFIBank,
Bonapriso, Douala, Cameroon

+237 233 42 25 44 | 243 08 23 34

Building and Public Works

Building and Public work subsector faced an increase of 8.4% in 2019 alone, with an average annual growth rate prediction of 7.4% until 2028. This improvement makes Cameroon, according to the same source, the most dynamic market in the construction sector in Central and West Africa.

The subsector grew by 10.8% and accounted for 3.2% of GDP, contributing 0.3 points to growth. The work carried out in the subsector consisted of road construction, maintenance and protection of road infrastructure, and the monitoring of the construction of public buildings and works according to standards.

Actions carried out mainly focused on the control of the execution of the construction work of classrooms, lecture halls, and teaching and university administrative blocks, including the Hydroelectric Dams construction project implementation. Also, the density of asphalted network was 0.30 km per 1 000 inhabitants against 0.27 km. 

In 2017, road construction works level’s progress and other structure was as follows: 

  • Yaoundé-Douala motorway, phase 1 (60km) 39% execution rate. 
  • Edea-kribi-lolabe motorway phase 1, kribi-loabe section (38.5km) 60.2% implementation rate.
  • Western penetrating road to Douala (13.2 km) 81% completed.
  • West agricultural basin service road, 217 km, lot 1: Baleveng-Galim, 28% completed, lot 2 Galim-Bamendjing-Foumbot-Banguage: 35% execution rate.
  • Manki-Mapé bridge road 21.1 km: 35% progress rate.

However, there are many opportunities in this sector, with the main projects and opportunities in:

– Social housing: public programs, notably that of the Société Immobilière du Cameroun (SIC)

Société Immobilière du Cameroun (SIC) of 17,000 social housing units and 3,000 premium housing in a 3-year timeframe (2020-2022).

– Public buildings: construction/rehabilitation of headquarters of ministries or parastatals.

– Private residential: several construction projects for residential buildings, both in residential buildings, both in affluent or expatriate areas, and in peripheral areas neighborhoods housing the local middle classes.

– The hotel industry: various hotel projects (construction and rehabilitation), in anticipation of the notably for the African Cup of Nations in 2021.  

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