Research and Technology Development
Research and Technological development innovation must accompany and support the actions by the Head of State to lead Cameroon towards its emergence by 2035. Therefore the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI) strives to achieve the essential step of transforming research results into products, goods, and services. And thereby, allowing a substantial improvement in the quality of life of the population.
The increase of the clarity of scientific research in the development process is ready in the areas of food security energy availability in mining developments, environmental management, and social housing made with local materials. The MINRESI managed to make understood the relevance of involving scientific research and innovation in the “Greater Achievements” program of which a number of projects needed the results of research carried out by the National Institute of Cartography (NIC), the Institute for Geological and Mining Research (GMR), the Institute for Medical Research Study of Medicinal Plants (MRSMP), the Local Materials Promotion Authority (IMIPROMALO), the National Education Centre (CNE), the National Radiation Protection Agency (ANRP) and the National Centre for Technology Development (NCTD).
Several actions have been implemented by the national system of research, development and innovation These actions are mainly aimed at:
- Increasing technological, cartographic and information production. The activities focused on the installation and permanent commissioning of a Global Navigation Satellite System station, continued construction of the cartographic database on 22 000km2, increasing the area covered from 8 000km2 to 30 000km2 in the North region the installation of a Geascope station in Edea, monitoring the degassing of lakes Nyos and Mounoum.
- contributing to the development of human capital. The achievements are among others on: setting up a permanent food control system for the rehabilitation of Research Centre for Food and Nutrition building at the IRAD (The Institute of Agricultural Research for Development), extension of the use of radiological emergency plans in the facilities using sources of ionizing radiation, particularly in hospitals, laboratories and medical imaging centres for deeper research on Ebola virus reservoirs and its mode of zoonotic transmission and, on the genetic diversity of plasmodium and HIV, quality control of medical imaging chains, dosimetric monitoring of 682 workers under ionizing radiation and environmental radioactivity monitoring.
- promoting and supporting innovation, activities through: the production and distribution of forest seeds, cashew seedlings, basic Arabic gum seeds and improved seeds of il palm, increased production in the field of non – conventional breeding, installation by the National Committee for Development of Technologies of a “Rural Energy Container” for the supply of water and electricity throughout the non – electrified area.
Cameroon has understood that the extension, the advancement and enhancement of inventions from creativeness can contribute to the diversification of its industrial base and provide the local and sub – regional markets with improved and value – added products. In this regard, Cameroons vision of becoming “an emerging and democratic country, united in its diversity”, incorporates several general objectives, including reaching the stage of newly industrialized by 2035.
Cameroon has included that the popularization, promotion, and valorization of the inventions of the creative genius can contribute to the diversification of its industrial fabric and provide the local and sub-regional markets with value-added enhanced products.
In terms of inventory, Cameroon’s industrial fabric consists of an abundance of imported manufactured products and locally made products with high imported technologies and a virtual absence of industries established based on national creative genius.
Remarkable technological innovations in information and communication and significant advances in natural medicine can be observed. The government has therefore setup the National Technology days (JTN), to allow local innovations to be exhibited with a view to their industrial exploitation and development, driving force for the production of wealth and jobs. The specific objectives of the JTNs are to:
- highlight the national technological potential;
- make the large pool of national inventions and innovations known to the general public and potential investors;
- encourage SMEs / SMIs to develop new local innovative activities;
- present to the general public the technologies and innovations developed within companies;
- make the economic community aware of the need to exploit industrial property assets for the creation of competitive businesses
- identify for their prototype, the three best national inventions.