Privacy law event_28th – 29th April 2022_South Africa
Our Managing Partner Danielle MOUKOURI DJENGUE was humbled by the invitation of the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, in South Africa, to attend

Orange Fab_15 juillet 2022 _Douala, Cameroun
D. MOUKOURI AND PARTNERS was honored to be the technical partner for the first season of the Orange Fab Cameroun start-up acceleration program that kicked

Conférence UGGC Africa à Douala – 22 février 2022
Le 22 février 2022, le reseau intégré de conseil juridique et fiscal en Afrique UGGC Africa et le Cabinet d’avocats D. MOUKOURI AND PARTNERS ont rencontré

Stakeholder meeting and training workshop on children’s right to privacy in the digital sphere in Africa_28-29 April 2022_ Pretoria, SouthAfrica
On 28 and 29 April 2022 the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria in collaboration with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian law (Kenya office),

Petit Déjeuner Networking UGGC Africa_11 Mai 2022_Abidjan
UGGC Africa est heureux d’avoir accueilli un petit-déjeuner Networking qui a été suivi d’une table-ronde dont le thème portait sur la “sécurité juridique des investissements

Congrès Africain des Juristes d’Affaires (COJA)_5-7 octobre 2022_Lomé,Togo
C’est avec plaisir que notre Associée-gérante Danielle MOUKOURI DJENGUE est intervenue sur le thème « Protection des données Personnelles, Protection des consommateurs », lors du prestigieux Congrès Africain des Juristes

Orange Meet Share with Start-ups_30 october, 2022_Douala, Cameroun
Intellectual Property for Start-ups: everything needed to take advantage of it. This was the theme for this session with young entrepreneurs accompanied by Orange. The

Orange Meet Share with Start-ups_20 december 2022_Douala, Cameroun.
Orange Cameroon at Orange digital center. The “Noël des Entrepreneurs” was a great moment of discourse between entrepreneurs, Orange Cameroon managers, professionals and partners. D.MOUKOURI
UGGC Africa Conference in Douala – 22 February 2022
The integrated network of legal and tax advice in Africa: UGGC Africa, and the law firm D.MOUKOURI AND PARTNERS,